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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Gugun Blues Shelter - Plastic People (terjemahan)

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Do you know who I am, do you know who my daddy is
Apakah kau tahu siapa aku, tahukah kau siapa ayahku.
Maybe you've seen me on your MTV, oh won't you please just look at me
Mungkin kau pernah melihatku di MTV-mu, oh maukah kau melihatku.
Look at me on my telephone, Look at me in my big car
Lihatlah aku di teleponku, lihat aku di dalam mobil besarku.
The plastic smile upon my face, is really nothing but a mask
Senyum plastik pada wajahku, tak benar ada tapi topeng.
You think your too good to be the same as me, too good to look me in the eye
kau pikir kau terlalu bagus untuk menjadi sama sepertiku, terlalu bagus untuk melihatku di mata.
When will you realize your just a puppet on a string
Ketika kau akan menyadari kau hanya boneka pada seutas tali.
And leave behind your plastic sky
Dan meninggalkan langit plastikmu.
Plastic friends in your plastic head
Teman plastik di kepala plastikmu.
Plastic dreams in your plastic bed
Mimpi plastik di tempat tidur plastikmu.
Plastic nails in your plastic hands
Kuku plastik di tangan plastikmu.
Oh when are you gonna understand
Oh kapan kau akan mengerti.
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